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Collegiate Fencing

It was a real pleasure to have the head fencing coach for the United States Air Force Academy, Abdel Salem, visit our studio last month. He had much interesting information to share regarding opportunities for fencing at the collegiate level and the wonderful educational opportunities available at the Air Force Academy.

1) There are only about 40 universities with NCAA fencing teams in the United States. All have programs for women fencers, but only about 30 have men's programs.

2) The majority of these schools are located east of the Mississippi. Only four schools in the West; Air Force, Stanford, UC San Diego and Cal Tech.

3) Most collegiate squads have about 20 to 30 members. Each year, the number of available spots varies. So team recruitment fluctuates based on need.

4) The most important consideration that schools consider is the student's academic performance. Being a great fencer won't help your admissions if your grades and SAT scores are poor.

5) Even if you are not a top level fencer, you may still have an opportunity to fence on a team. Coaches are looking for talent, dedication and the ability to learn.

6) Many schools have fencing teams or clubs (even if they are not NCAA). There are opportunities to fence at most colleges and cities.

7) University admissions officers view fencers favorably, even if they don't have a NCAA team. Fencing teaches many important skills such as; goal setting, disciple, quick-thinking, critical thinking, and overcoming obstacles. Fencing sets applicants apart from the thousands of others.

If you have questions about collegiate fencing or the Air Force Academy, pleas feel free to contact Coach Holmgren.

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