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 Price list and Policies

Fencing and archery are great sports for the whole family! Gryphon offers the following discounts:

10% Sibling Discount (savings for multiple children). 
50% Parent Discount (Child pays regular fee and parent's class fee is discounted)

Group Fencing Classes


Learning a sport as complex as fencing is easier to do when you can practice more frequently.  Most of our students see steady progress meeting their sports and fitness goals by attending 2 classes per week.  We also have students that practice with us anywhere from 3-4 times per week depending on their goals, motivations and budget.


All programs are generally a 12 week initial commitment.  The investment runs anywhere from $99 to $350 per month depending on which option you choose and what's best for you.


If this is within your budget, then you should contact us for a free consultation and tour of the studio.  Consultations generally take 20 minutes during which we will discuss your sports/fitness goals and the different options we offer.  To arrange for a free consultations, please click here:







Fencing Gear Rental:

New students are welcome to use club gear for the first 3 months of classes.  Beginning in the 4th month, they have an option to purchase their own equipment or pay a monthly fee of $30 to use club gear.  Rentals are first-come, first-served.  Rental gear may not be reserved for a specific individual.  Rental gear is specifically to be used while at the studio.


Fencing Gear for Sale:

Gryphon has new fencing equipment available for sale at the studio.  When you are ready to purchase a set, please speak with one of our coaches for sizing information.  Most items are in stock, so you can try them on and take them home the same day!

Typical items include; masks, jackets, gloves, foils, epees, sabers, foil lames, underarm protectors, check guards, and equipment bags.


Group Archery Classes


Single Drop-in: $20,    Monthly rates vary depending on how many classes you take each week, level of commitment and which option you choose.  Packages range from $60 to $120 per month.

Class Policies:


Payment for Group Classes and Monthly Packages are due on the first of each month.  If you join a class mid-month, your fee will be pro-rated for the remaining weeks.


Missed Classes: If you miss a class, don't worry.  You have 14 days to attend a make-up class.  If you will be absent for an extended period of time, please contact the front-desk to suspend your automatic payments.


Missed Private Lessons:  If you must cancel a private lesson, please let the coach know at least 5 hours before the scheduled time.  Otherwise, you may be charged a 50% penalty.  Please be advised that frequent cancellations may result in having the student removed from the private lesson rotation.

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