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Group classes are an excellent way to learn the sport of fencing.  Students will learn new skills and have an opportunity to practice them with their fellow students.  Coordination drills and strength/stamina conditioning excercises are a part of each class.



Each class session begins with dynamic warm-ups.  These are designed to both strech and warm-up the muscles.  They also help to improve balance and muscle tone.  A variety of conditioning excercises are performed to improve strength and stamina.



Students learn and practice footwork at each class.  The emphasis is on proper form and moving with grace and speed.



Students learn and practice the proper technique for holding and moving their weapon (foil, epee or saber).



Students practice the new moves they learn with their classmates.  Various types of attacks and defenses are taught, so that students can excecute the move that is most appropriate when fencing.



Group classes offer an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.  They also offer an opportunity to fence with a variety of opponents with different strengths, weaknesses and strategies.



Students may use club equipment during their classes or during open practice time. For the first 3 months of their classes, the use of teh gear is free. Starting in the third and subsequent months the student will either need to provide their own gear or pay a $30 monthly rental fee. For hygenic purposes, students are stongly encouraged to purchase a fencing glove ($15 at the studio) within the first month of fencing.

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