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These group fencing classes are an excellent way for kids to learn the sport of fencing.  Club equipment is provided for the first 2 months of class.  After that, students have the option to rent or purchase gear.


Our youth fencing program follows the structure of the French and British National Training Programs.  Students will learn and master specific fencing actions, skills and knowledge for each "color" level.  They will be tested and earn a chevron patch to place on their uniform.

Little Jedi Class
(ages 5-7 years old)

This is a fun introduction to many basic fencing actions for the little Jedi. The class focuses on games, fun, social interaction and on developing major motor skills and coordination. We follow the Jedi code of good sportsmanship, respect and sharing. *All equipment provided. 


Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7pm


Beginning Fencing Class
(ages 7-12)

Students will learn the basic footwork, attacks and defenses.  They will be using the foil, the lightest and most flexible of the three weapons of modern fencing. Think "3 Musketeers" style swordplay.   It is ideal for learning the sport and a prerequisite before moving to intermediate foil, saber or epee.  *Equipment Provided*


Thursdays, 5-6:30pm; Wednesdays, 6-730pm; and Saturdays, 9-10:30am.

Intermediate Foil
(ages 8-12)

Students will continue their training with the foil.  They will work on completing their Orange and Blue level requirements.  Students will do more electric fencing and learn more about the format for tournaments.  Students should have their own gear.


Tuesdays 5-6:30pm, Wednesdays 6-7:30pm and
Saturdays 10-11:30am

Competitive Foil
Intermediate - Advanced Level
(ages 8-16)

For youth fencers who have completed a beginning course (Red level). Students will learn new fencing skills and tactics. Emphasis is on fun, fitness and preparation for competition.


Fencers will progress through the top  skill levels.  Along the way they will learn more advanced fencing actions, teamwork, sportsmanship and goal setting.


Mondays & Fridays 5:30-7:30pm, Saturdays 9:30-11:30am

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